You love street photography?
This workshops series is just what you're looking for.
Digital and analog photographers, French, Dutch and English speakers unite in this workshops series ending in an exhibition.
4 + 1 theory evening lessons and photo talks (on street photography and one final expo night)
5 or more weekend group walks shooting those streets of Brussels
This entire series consists of :
5 or more weekend Street Walks of a few hours in Brussels city (at least 5 group walks with the teacher and of courseyou can do as many individual walks as you like)
-the street photography course at the Elzenhof from 19 to 21:30 h.
-Photo talks where we'll discuss your photos from 19 to 21:30 h.
-we'll organize a projection of your best street photos on October 31 2024 in the bar of GC Elzenhof.
Latest update: extra walks and some schedule changes.
Your street photography coach Sander de Wilde just loves the streets of Brussels.
He publishes his street photographs as @sanderdewilde on Insta and was nominated at the Brussels Street Photography Festival. He will coach you through lessons, talks, and walks through real street photography in his personal and enthousiastic way.
More info?
Just call him at +32495793922
Vous aimez la photographie de rue?
Cette série d'ateliers est exactement ce que vous recherchez.
Photographes numériques et analogiques, francophones, néerlandophones et anglophones s'unissent dans cette série d'ateliers qui se termine par une projection.
5 cours du soir (sur la photographie de rue et evaluation + incl expo)
5 ou plus week-ends de promenades en groupe dans les rues
vernissage d'exposition 31/10/2024
€225 or less.
Reserve your spot asap ! These workshops are very popular!
you can buy the book of a previous class
"on the streets of Brussels"
All images by our students